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Front Row (from left to right):


Gayathri Ramachandran:


Tessa Ann Koshy: This curly haired energy pill is a fashion enthusiast who is working towards a sustainable lifestyle. 


Arunika Sajith: Randomness is the essence of this little chatterbox who is in love with people, stories and the sky. Brimming with unbound enthusiasm, one of her close friends gave her an apt tagline 'she attac, she protec, but moreover she a little psycho'


Manisha Sahoo: Enthusiastic over thinker who believes that hardworking can take you anywhere. As a sidetone, she would like to add on how much she loves to joke about everything. 


Jasveen Sawhney: Other than watching chat shows on her tiny device, the world of fashion and art has always attracted her big round eyes. She considers all the little things in her life to be special and memorable. Her age old love for cinema pushes her to find magic in each element of life.


Saumya Singh Rajput:


Back row (from left to right):


Deepak KJ: 


Meenakshi V Nair: An ambivert with a lot going on her head and has an ardent desire to travel around when given a chance in a motive to check off her bucket list. Finding happiness in littlest of the things and wondering what life has got her next.


Ram Kumar: An avid artist, he's got a child like curiousity for everything under the sun. 


Nithya K A: Fashion enthusiast and a keen learner who finds happiness in every new thing that comes across her life. She likes to believe that she is a charismatic person whose motto in life is 'spread what you know'.


Shamil Rahman: An outgoing introvert who likes to spend his free time the way he wishes to, unlike the usual notions. A movie buff, foodie, and a social butterfly when 'fully recharged', Shamil swears by a quote by Gary Mark Gilmore, "One can be instructed in society, one is inspired only in solitude"



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Fashion and Lifestyle Blog

Proud creation of students of NIFT Kannur FC 21' batch

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