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Take a chill pill!

Updated: Dec 15, 2019

Clocks ticking, still lot to do , not ready, stress, stress and stress but PAUSE FOR SEC keep reading this if you are also that person who gets stressed out so easily. Submissions, incomplete work , sleep deprived, broke , lot of shit happening at the same time don’t know what to do. Well you are not alone almost everyone goes through this at one point or the other of their life cause that’s how life is indeed a rollercoaster ride. But guys we shouldn’t let this get over us because it could lead to end number of unwanted diseases. So why don’t we fashionably deal with this! Here are a few tips that could help you to tackle it.

Step no. 1

Wardrobe overflowing with cloths and still nothing to wear oh yes a very stressful situation!

Lets start by decluttering , separating your wardrobe pile into ‘I wear this too often’, ‘maybe I wear it’, ‘I don’t wear it at all’, ‘these needs repair’. Fold back according to occasions, seasons, colors etc all the clothes you wear often, donate all the cloths that you don’t wear at all, get the rest of the pair repaired voila! Its big achievement.

Step no. 2

A dress up game!

Call up your friends or you can do this by yourself too, wear your favourite cloths or dress up your friend, take turns, mix it up style it up and click some cool chic pictures and bring out the fashionista in you, trust me this is super fun and creative too.


Step no.3

The shopping therapy

Go out and go shop ....the best way is window shopping this way you don’t lose your money and also you can relax and try out new cloths. I would not suggest to buy cloths cause you could end up buying what you don’t require .

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Step no .4


Grab your old cloths and do some funky creative embroidery / painting to create your own diy outfits. Why restrict to cloths alone paint your shoes, bags, caps etc and have fun.

source :

Hope you try these out the next time you feel like relaxing and also do share your tips on how you cope up with stress.


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