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The textile industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. According to the statistics, 1 million ton textiles are disposed every year with most of it ending up filling landfills. The average person buys 60% more items of clothing every year and keeps them for about half as long as 15 years ago, generating a huge amount of waste. Most of the clothes that are dumped are usually not even used once, leading to a huge loss of energy and resources.

When asked what is textile waste, most of us wouldn't even think where do we draw the line? How much is too much? And do we even need so many clothes to begin with?

Here, students with different fashion styles share the amount of used and unused clothes they own evoking questions of effective fashion statements.

Ashna K P, student of fashion communication, sitting on her own pile of clothes

"I never realized I had so much to begin with!" exclaimed Ashna while pulling her clothes out of the wardrobe. "It's crazy!"

Pema Dolkar Wangyal, student of fashion design loaded with her clothes

"I love dressing up, but I'm also guilty of buying clothes that I know I wouldn't like to wear." said Pema while filling up the space for shoot.

Ayona S Kumar, student of Knitwear Design sitting on her pile of clothes

"Half of this is bought and gifted by my relatives. They don't know what I usually wear, so this just piles up to towers of unused clothing. We need to rethink our fashion choices, for real." said Ayona with introspection.

At the end, fashion delivers personal expression and statement. World has moved through various people expressing through their clothes and now is the time we start acting on issues that need to be dealt as immediately as possible.

Rethink. Recycle. Reuse. Reduce.

With that, ask yourself before buying that cute crop top, do I really need it?


Photography and curation by Manisha Sahoo

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