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Girl in Pink

Updated: Oct 27, 2019

Pink, a colour for girls they say...

Often we hear the society associate the words weak, fragile, soft, humble, kind, caring with women. They gave the colour pink these characters and tagged it to girls.

Right from birth, we see the differentiation where boys get things, from toys to socks for their tiny feet in blue while girls get them in pink.

Well, my problem is not tagging humans in different colours. Yes, colours do have different personalities and our human mind does connect with certain colours which we emotionally get bonded too. But my problem here is the hatred towards pink that most people have, thinking it’s a soft and weak colour just because it's associated with girls'. Boys who like pink, mostly do not admit it fearing being mocked at for liking something that’s supposed to be girls. On the other, blue though tagged with boys, is a universal colour which everyone likes to wear. That’s stereotypical! Don’t you think so?

Pink is strong, pink is bold. Pink is not just for the kind and sweetheart, but for the boss lady and bad-ass too...

Here I bring to you – ‘ Girl in Pink’

she is fun, she is powerful she is everything the world said she can be not!


Walk the confidence, Wear the power


- by PR Gayathri

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