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Updated: Dec 15, 2019

College days are the time where we flaunt ourselves with some extremely enthusiastic fashion. One needs to look confident, smart, energetic, stylish, comfortable and free, all at the same time.

Does change in the trends and style effect ones look?

Rather than considering a current fashion trend, the daily appearance of an individual mainly depends on the personal needs, which demonstrate their individual identity. Since the fashion industry is vast, one doesn’t have to sacrifice on their style for comfort.

Do we see a little street style inspired people around us? Why do people accept it easily? Are there people who find it difficult to accept the same to their wardrobe?

As a student in a fashion institute, I see different and unique styles of fashionable looks in the students every day, where they prefer to be free and manageable. Baggy jeans with a lot of pockets, boyfriend jeans and T-shirts which are loose and over-sized, cargo pants etc., which were introduced between the workers in the streets firstly, are the best and trendy examples for “fashion from streets”. Street style fashion in another way can also be called as the utilitarian fashion, since they are of practical uses rather than visually attractive. Now-a -days many prefer wearing them daily to colleges and several outdoor activities. These are accepted, but are also turned down easily by the people. Some find it tasteless, since the fear of how people around take in about them, where as most of the people find it easy to carry, and they are much easily available in one’s wardrobe, which will go with everything.

By the end of the day, coolness is in your comfort and no one knows it better than you.

Hope you enjoyed reading.


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